Amira Integrative Health PC

Knee Pain

Knee Pain services offered in the greater East Stroudsburg, PA area

Knee pain affects mobility and restricts your enjoyment of life. If you’re affected by ongoing knee pain, talk to Mikhail Artamonov, MD, and his team at Amira Integrative Health PC in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. The experienced pain specialists expertly diagnose knee problems like arthritis and ease symptoms using advanced treatments. Call Amira Integrative Health PC today or schedule a consultation online for a first-class knee pain evaluation.

Knee Pain Q & A

What causes knee pain?

Knee pain that suddenly appears can be caused by fractured bones or a joint dislocation. The meniscal cartilage in your knee can tear, and the ligaments that connect the bones in your knee can stretch or rupture. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL) tears are common sports injuries.

Overuse or repetitive strain can also cause knee pain. Tissues subject to the same movement performed repeatedly over time become inflamed and painful. Examples include bursitis (inflammation in the bursae – protective fluid-filled sacs in your joints) and tendinitis (inflammation in the tendons attaching muscles to bones).

The most frequent chronic knee pain cause is arthritis. Of the many forms, osteoarthritis is the most common. It develops after years of joint use, wearing away the smooth, slippery articular cartilage covering the ends of your bones. Rheumatoid arthritis is also common. Its cause is a problem with your immune system that destroys the joint linings.

Arthritis pain is deep and throbbing. It gets worse with time, and the joints become increasingly stiff, weak, and swollen.

How does my doctor diagnose knee pain?

To determine knee pain’s cause, the Amira Integrative Health PC team completes a physical exam. They identify swelling, redness, or bruising and test the knee’s range of motion. Your doctor also asks about your symptoms and reviews your medical history.

If knee pain’s cause isn’t clear after the exam or your doctor needs more information about the extent of the damage, you might need diagnostic imaging. The procedure required depends on what your doctor suspects is causing knee pain. Standard methods include X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI.

What treatments will ease my knee pain?

The Amira Integrative Health PC team offers conservative and advanced knee pain treatments, including:

  • Physical therapy
  • Pain medication
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for rheumatoid arthritis
  • Acupuncture
  • Biopuncture injections
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
  • Orthopedic stem cell injections
  • Long-acting steroid injections
  • Genicular (knee) nerve block injections
  • Hyaluronic acid injections (viscosupplementation)
  • Genicular radiofrequency ablation
  • Intraosseous therapy (stem cell stimulation)
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation

The team uses fluoroscopy (moving X-ray) or ultrasound image guidance to administer injectable treatments. This method ensures precise medication delivery and reduces the risk of tissue damage. Genicular nerve blocks and radiofrequency ablation can block knee pain for up to a year.

Call Amira Integrative Health PC today or book an appointment online to benefit from expert knee pain treatment.

We Provide Good Medicine

Patients are referred from a variety of specialists, including chiropractic, primary care, orthopedic and neurological services.

Fast appointment scheduling is available and we now offer online booking for your convenience.